Welcomes All New Patients

We are Always Accepting New Patients!
No Referral Necessary!

If you are looking for the right Chiropractic Clinic for you and your entire family, then look no further than the team at Chiropractical! We offer a wide range of chiropractic services to meet all your health goals. We welcome all new patients; no referral is ever necessary.

Meet the Chiropractical Team | Chiropractical | SW Calgary | Chiropractor
Dr Jennifer Bradshaw | Chiropractical | SW Calgary | Chiropractor
What to Expect at Your First Appointment?

When you first come into our office, you will be greeted by one of our friendly front desk staff, who are always here with their positive energy and warm smiles. We have some brief paperwork you will need to complete at your initial visit, which can be found here if you’d like to fill it out ahead of time. It can also be emailed or faxed to you prior to your appointment. Your first visit should last about 30 to 40minutes (plus time for paperwork if not completed ahead of time).

After your paperwork is completed,we will proceed to:
  • An overview of your health history
  • A thorough examination, including postural assessment
  • A discussion of your health goals and concerns
  • Time to ask and have answered any questions you might have
  • If needed, we will send you to another facility to get X-rays

Your initial visit is an opportunity to discuss all of your treatment options and have all your questions thoroughly answered. Our goal is to make sure you’re completely comfortable moving forward.

What to Expect at Your Second Visit?

Our Team will schedule your next visit with us as soon as possible. At this second appointment, you will be seeing your Chiropractor for:

  • A full report of findings from your first visit
  • Your first chiropractic adjustment

Remember, your care plan is your decision! We will give you our best recommendations based on your unique condition and desired health care goals, but it is always up to you to move forward with the care that works best for you.

We would love to share with you all that chiropractic care can do for you!

Dr Don Findlay With Patient | Chiropractical | SW Calgary | Chiropractor

We Can Help

Naturally, chiropractic care helps traditional neck and back problems, it has also produced wonderful results with a variety of other health problems, such as headaches, migraines, and shoulder pain.

At Chiropractical we use techniques that help our patients enjoy the fastest results in the shortest amount of time. As South Calgary chiropractors there are certain health conditions we especially enjoy helping. For us, our most rewarding cases involve:

Dr Dan Findlay With Patient | Chiropractical | SW Calgary | Chiropractor
Knee Pain

In our office, we have had many patients with knee pain. We have helped not only get rid of the knee pain, But we have addressed joint changes and helped treat the underlying cause helping keep the knee pain away.

Low Back Pain

We have a thorough process to find out what exactly is going on with the low back but most importantly, how to find out why it occurred in the first place. By utilizing our hi-tech process we help efficiently move people back towards the lifestyle they want. Don’t let something that can be helped so easily keep you from enjoying all of your activities.


Many times people don’t realize headaches can be related to the upper neck and posture of an individual. In our office, we can do a consultation and check-up and determine if we can help remove the cause of your headaches, safely and gently.


Many patients don’t come into our office to have a specific condition treated. Many come into our office to improve the quality of their life. Just like dentistry, regular workouts, and eating right. Chiropractic care is a part of many people’s health regime, to help maintain healthy joints and keep the nervous system healthy. These patients enjoy the experience it gives them.

Call Chiropractical at (403) 258-4422 to book your appointment today!

Chiropractical offers treatment styles such as Diversified, Activator, Active Release Therapy, Thompson Drop Table, Torque Release, KST & Webster Techniques.